Open Voices is a non-auditioned mixed voice adult choir that celebrated the 10th anniversary of its founding in 2011. The choir, under the musical direction of Andy Rush, sings fun and uplifting folk, world, sacred, and jazz music in four part harmony. The choir is premised on the belief that community singing can be a nurturing, empowering and healing force. The 110+ singers seek to create joy, peace and beauty for choir members and the greater Kingston community, by providing an opportunity to sing and by offering our music to others. The choir performs two concerts a year (January and May) often with a guest musician and also participates in community events in support of local agencies or organizations.
Open Voices is a registered not for profit charity that aims to be inclusive, accessible and representative of diversity.
FULL MEDIA RELEASE — $23,600 Ontario Trillium Foundation Capital Grant Awarded to Open Voices Community Choir
Kingston – On May 28, 2016 Open Voices Community Choir (Open Voices) welcomed the public to its annual spring concert at Cooke’s Portsmouth United Church, “Out of Our Minds” and special guest recording artist Peter Katz. The event was very special this year with Artistic Director Andy Rush welcoming MPP Sophie Kiwala and Ontario Trillium Foundation Regional Grant Review Team Member, John Blake, who presented a plaque and congratulated Open Voices on having been awarded funds to purchase new choral risers and a new sound system. For choir members, this will facilitate much easier set up and take down of the staging and a much improved sound to its audience. Additionally, risers and sound equipment will enhance the current mobility of the choir and allow for a wider sharing of its music to the Kingston area.
Left to right: John Blake (OTF Regional Review Committee Member), Andy Rush, Diana Hopkins-Rosseel, MPP Sophia Kiwala. Photo taken by Jason Middaugh.
“This funding will help enhance the performances of Open Voices Choir, so that they can continue to share their wonderful musical talents with our community. The Ontario government recognizes the important role culture plays in its various forms to enrich our lives and drive our economy. I am pleased to see that funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation continues to support Kingston’s vibrant cultural sector,” said Sophia Kiwala MPP for Kingston and the Islands.
Thanks to a $23,600 Capital grant from Ontario Trillium Foundation, this initiative will provide new equipment for Open Voices which will enhance the overall musicality and diversity of performance and further its mandate of sharing choral music with a broad section of the community.
The President of Open Voices, Diana Hopkins- Rosseel stated that “we seek to create joy, peace and beauty for our members, and for the Greater Kingston community, by providing an opportunity to sing and by offering our music to others.” Open Voices is inclusive, accessible and representative of diversity. Open Voices established in 2002 has remained true to these principles.”
Three formal choral events are planned for the coming year along with Open Voice’s traditional outreach activities. Open Voices Community Choir is committed in enriching people’s lives through arts, culture and heritage in the city of Kingston. The leading grantmaking foundation in Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation strengthens the capacity of the voluntary sector through investments in community based initiatives, an agency of the Government of Ontario, OTF builds healthy and vibrant communities.